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For the past month or so I’ve been I in the early stages of forming a literary journal, a biannual with an overall nature motif and each issue will have a theme with the first issue centered around “creation stories”. I’ve got some literary heavy hitters already on board, an editing staff and even the format worked out but what we’ve failed to come up with is a name.

Of course it will be letterpress printed and include original artwork from wood engravings and linocuts. Open to all writing – fiction, non-fiction, poetry and short stories that might work in a serialized format. No politics – to ephemeral.

But in order to start promoting and informing the world at large we exist we need a name to attach to a website/blog and print media.

Here’s where you come in dear reader. If you have an idea that you would care to share please comment. If it’s a really really good idea send it to me in a personal message. If we use your idea you will be compensated with a year subscription to our humble effort.

proto cover

This image is taken from a cover I did for the Wood Engravers Network publication Block & Burin, #24 Winter 2000 that featured one of my wood engravings and a quote from Thoreau – with a little digital editing so you get the idea.